Regional damage reporting center at a new location in Belgrade

DDOR osiguranje continues its strategic investments in improving the quality of the working environment and in making products and services more accessible to customers. In this context, we would like to inform our clients about the relocation of the Regional Center for Claims Reporting to new business premises in New Belgrade, Block 21, at Antifašističke borbe 13A.

An important information for customers is that limited damage reporting will be possible at the old location until 12:00 on Friday, July 21, while no damage reporting and assessment will be possible on Monday, July 24, due to the move.

Regardless of the move, customers can report damage on weekdays from 7:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. and Saturdays from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. by calling the Customer Center toll-free at 0800303301. There is also an online claim form available at any time. We remind our customers that they can also report damage using the online form.

As of July 25, 2023, the colleagues responsible for recording and reporting damage will resume their work in full at the new location.

We thank our customers for their support and patience during this transition period. We promise to do everything possible to ensure the continuity and quality of our services.

This move will allow for more efficient delivery of all services in one location, streamlining the sales and claims processes for all customers. In addition, this improvement will lead to an enhanced customer experience and a faster response to policyholder inquiries.