Special benefits that you receive only with DDOR

Health insurance for users of Intesa Magnifica current account
As an additional form of protection for all owners of Intesa Magnifica current accounts, as well as their family members (children, spouses, and common-law spouses), Banca Intesa is offering free of charge DDOR Voluntary Health Insurance in the event of surgical interventions, which clients can take out on the occasion of opening Intesa Magnifica current accounts. This insurance provides coverage for over 420 different interventions classified into packages depending on the gravity and complexity of the given surgery.
Which surgical interventions does this insurance cover?
All surgical interventions and operations have been classified into three packages, in addition to which this insurance also covers elective or emergency C-section delivery.
The packages cover the following interventions:
- urinary and genital tract interventions
- cardiac surgery
- interventional cardiology
- breast interventions
- hand surgery
- general surgery procedures
- oral and maxillofacial surgery
- children’s’ surgery intervention
- reconstructive plastic surgery
- thoracic surgery
- vascular surgery interventions
- gynecological interventions
- neurosurgical operations
- ophthalmic operations
- surgical procedures in orthopedics and traumatology
- ENT interventions
- urologic procedures and many others
Details concerning coverage by individual packages are available in enclosed documents as part of this page (Coverage package 3, Coverage package 4 and Coverage package 5)
Up to which amount are surgical interventions covered?
RSD 85,000– interventions in Package 5
RSD 42,500– interventions in Package 4
RSD 25,500 – interventions in Package 3
RSD 15,000 – elective or emergency C-section delivery
How are payments made and what is the maximum amount which can be paid out?
After an intervention/operation is performed, the single pecuniary indemnity is paid out in the stipulated amount, depending on which package the performed procedure has been classified in (the fixed sum in the amount of the stipulated insured sum is paid out). The maximum coverage for all persons is RSD 85,000 per year.
When does insurance enter into force?
Insurance enters into force at midnight, on the date when the client receives the status of Intesa Magnifica client, and ceases to apply at midnight on the date when he loses that status. Insurance coverage enters into force:
- 90 days after the date of insurance inception – for interventions resulting from illness
- 90 days after the date of insurance inception – for pregnancy-related interventions (provided that pregnancy ensued after insurance inception)
- 300 days after the date of insurance inception – for elective or emergency C-section delivery (in the event of medically indicated C-section)
* Insurance is in force only in the month when Intesa Magnifica current account was active.
When is the insurance company not liable to pay out indemnity for an intervention?
Indemnity will be paid out only for surgical interventions encompassed by the stipulated coverage packages. Indemnity will not be paid out for interventions which are not listed in the stipulated packages, or for those interventions for which the need existed prior to insurance inception.
The insurance company is not liable for making payments to the insured in the event of earthquake, war in the country or abroad, participation in armed conflict, attempt or preparation for suicide, attempt or perpetration of crimes.
How to report an insured event
The insured is obliged to report the insured event by using the insurer’s form (Claim Notification Form available on this page) and enclosing the following documentation:
- Complete medical documentation related to the occurred insured event
- Proof of being a family member of the insured
Please submit your claim notification and accompanying documentation to the following address:
DDOR Novi Sad a.d.o.
Claims management Department (ATTN: Valerija Plačkov or Nataša Davidović)
Narodnog Fronta 1
21000 Novi Sad
The insurer reserves the right to request and obtain for insight data from medical documentation, as well as copies of medical documentation, and to obtain information which could be significant for establishing liability from third persons.
For details concerning this insurance, as well as obligations stemming therefrom for both contractual parties, please see the Special Terms and Conditions of insurance here.