Secured transport of goods.

Insurance of vessels
Casco policy for ships and boats
For safe navigation
From now on, you can sail smoothly and sleep peacefully – someone is taking care of your vessel! No matter if it is a ship or merely a boat, “DDOR Novi Sad” casco policy protects your vessel 24/7. Regardless of whether your vessel was damaged in the course of sailing or while anchored, whether you or someone else is responsible for the damage – “DDOR Novi Sad” will pay the indemnity.
Complete protection for the vessel and all accompanying equipment
Insurance of vessels provides coverage of:
- vessels (ships, yachts, motor boats, boats, scooters, etc.)
- regular supplies of fuel and oil, supplies of food and drinks necessary for the ship’s crew
- additional or special equipment, nets and other fishing gear
- all expenses incurred by pulling out sunken vessels
Provide coverage of damage in the event of:
- navigation accident (collision, crash, going aground, etc.)
- fire, explosion on the ship, other ship or coast
- bad weather, windstorm and similar hazardous weather conditions
- touching or scraping the bottom on a marked waterway
- loss of anchor, anchoring chain and impeller, as well as breakage of impeller shaft, etc.
- theft of a vessel and its inventory
Damage sustained by third parties
The policy also covers liability for damages that resulted from your actions and were sustained by third parties up to the level of the insured vessel value.
“DDOR Novi Sad” will cover all damages that you incurred by a collision or crash to:
- another vessel
- fastened object on the water or ashore
- in the event of death or bodily injuries sustained by third parties
My benefits
- “DDOR Novi Sad” will cover the expenses incurred in the course of salvaging your vessel or endeavoring to minimize the damage thereon
- One policy can insure several vessels
- Insurance indemnity is paid in the event of total loss at the level of the insured vessel value
- In the event of partial damage, “DDOR Novi Sad” will cover all costs necessary for the purpose of bringing the vessel to its former state, up to the amount of the insured value.
What you need to know
- Insurance is in force on internal waterways
- The value in relation to which you will pay the premium shall be agreed between the client and the insurer, whereby the value of the vessel at the moment of concluding the insurance contract cannot be lower than its actual value
- The premium depends on the type and age of the vessel
- If the unwanted event occurs, it should be reported immediately to the portmaster’s office which has jurisdiction on the territory of the occurrence of the event. The average adjuster or assessor of the adequate expertise will determine the cause, scope and level of loss.